Wow Factor
Why Team Butterfly?
Breast ironing is not a well-known issue. Our entire team had only first found this issue upon doing research for this project. While searching for information on breast ironing, we found very few, if any, sources of innovation in intervention. Therefore, we decided to take it upon ourselves to create a campaign to educate on and advocate against the practice of breast ironing.

Team Butterfly's Logo and Motto
The logo is manufactured in iron on patches to put on clothing and garments to raise awareness for breast ironing.
Team Butterfly stems from the belief that all girls should feel happy, healthy, and confident in their bodies at every stage of life. Girls grow from babies to women in several stages, much like the caterpillar growing to a butterfly. Breast ironing hinders growth at puberty, an important developmental step. Team Butterfly believes that each stage of growth and development in the life of a young girl should be embraced with education and empowerment, not with shame and fear. Therefore, the team name was selected from the juxtaposition of a child's development with the metamorphosis of a butterfly.